Friday, March 25, 2011

Veronica V-Chip Hinds

In my previous post I mentioned my friend, Veronica Hinds - aka- Vee -aka- V-Chip. Vee is an incredibly talented filmmaker living & working in LA. She is the epitome of a creative artist - Deeply thinking, imaginative, highly skilled & dedicated to her craft, and best of all, a sweet & humble spirit who's energy is super cool & fun to work with. I first met Vee when she asked me to participate in a Jeniero Jarel (Dr. Who Dat) video she produced/directed. After that initial experience, I had the opportunity to work with Vee on the NIC*FISH original convertible jumpsuit commercial. As I've told her many times, its soooooooo refreshing to meet fellow creatives who "get it"... Thoroughly translating creative concepts with great ease. You can see Vee's work on the NIC*FISH convertible jumpsuit video to the right ---->

Here's one of my other favorite videos from Vee - J*Davey's "Get Together".

J*DaVeY "Get Together" from Veronica "V-Chip" Hinds on Vimeo.

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